Art Requirements
The quality of your imprint depends upon the quality of artwork supplied to us. Art charges will apply if art received doesn’t meet our requirements. You may send your art to art @ prosourcepromotions . com for Pre-Approval and at that time we will advise you of any changes that need to be made. A deposit may be required to initiate the art process. See Order Requirements for more information.
Customer Approval
An Online proof will be sent prior to production on all orders. Proofs are a way of assuring that we have set your type correctly and that all design elements are place according to you requirements. ProSource must receive your proof approval prior to any production.
File Requirements
- For pre-digitized files, Wilcom.emb files or Tajima.dst are required. Please provide the design sequence and thread colors as Pantone Coasted, Robison Anton and Madiera thread.
- If digitizing is needed, please sent art as .eps, .ai or .pdf. With all fonts converted to outlines. Please provide PMS colors for color matching. You may send your logo to art @ prosourcepromotions . com for an exact quote and to assure the logo can be digitized without compromising quality.
- Vector art is required. Maximum amount of imprint colors is 5 per print location. Please include a design composite with color call-outs or a .jpg to ensure no font substitutions.
- Colors in a design must be set to a different layer, group or compound shape/path.
- Specific Pantone colors should be provided. If no PMS colors are provided, we will pick a color as close as possible to your descriptions and will not be responsible for incorrect colors.
- All elements in the design should be set at 100% opacity, unless your art contains gradients or half tone dots.
- All text in the design must be converted to curves/outlines.
- All design elements should contain a line thickness of at least 1pt. Thinner lines may compromise the quality of the print.
Cut Vinyl
- The same art requirements apply as used for Screenprinting.
Digital Prints/Sublimation
- Files saved as Photoshop, eps, tif, gif or psd.
- Fonts in file converted to curves/outlines.
- Files saved as 300dpi or Higher. Files less than 300dpi usually result in an imprint of lesser quality. Original low resolution re-saved to 300dpi will also result in a less than satisfactory print.
- File created and saved at size to be printed.